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The AWS podcast is produced by the AWS Communications Committee. These episodes include interviews with women surgeons recorded in the hospital, during national meetings, and from our AWS annual conference. We feature women who are leaders in healthcare, research, teaching, and growing opportunities for more women to succeed in surgery. Through giving a platform to inspiring women’s voices, we seek to engage, empower, and excel. 

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

Special Podcast Series

Join AWS for special themed episodes in our upcoming podcast series! 

#HeforShe Series
Stories of women surgeons and their experiences with sponsorship, allyship and advocacy. 


#KnotsForThoughts Series 
Podcast episodes designed by and for medical students and future surgeons.

Past Podcast Episodes
Catch up on past episodes of the AWS podcast on Spotify.


We Want to Hear from You!

Please listen and give us feedback! Do you have an idea for a future podcast topic? Email us at [email protected]