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AWS members are intelligent, hard-working, energetic women and men committed to be the best they can be in all facets of their lives. With diverse interests and lifestyles, each member shares a commitment to excellence in surgery. These colleagues invite you to join them as a member of the Association of Women Surgeons.

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Learn more about AWS | Why AWS is Important

Through various networking forums, we support the exchange of experiences, advice, and strategies among female surgeons around the world. Many of us remain isolated from our female colleagues in spite of the rising number of women in surgery. AWS addresses the unique challenges that women surgeons face, such as:

  • Balancing family issues with the demands of a surgical career, including when to have children;
  • Pay and promotion equity issues; and
  • The lack of women in academic leadership positions.


AWS Members at Gala

GET THE NEWS YOU NEED | Our email newsletter eConnections provides you with the latest topics and trends relating to woman and surgery

NETWORK | Attend the annual conference, connect with AWS members at other society meetings, get involved with a committee, or join any one of our online social networks.

MENTOR | Get a mentor or be a mentor. Access the members-only directory to find a mentor who is right for you.

GET PUBLISHED | The American Journal of Surgery publishes an entire issue of articles from AWS members.

Two Women Preforming Surgery

GET YOUR CAREER STARTED | The AWS Pocket Mentor is the manual for surgical interns and residents.

FIND A JOB | Use the AWS Career Center to find a job that is perfect for you.

ENHANCE YOUR CAREER | Utilize AWS’s Career Development Resource to get the information you need to support your surgical career.

BE RECOGNIZED | AWS members are eligible for AWS Foundation Awards.

GET SPECIAL PERKS | AWS members get exclusive offers, such as discounts on wellness stays with our partner, Canyon Ranch

 A photo of Dr. Danielle Walsh, MD, FACS with quote "Membership in the AWS motivated me as a medical student to do surgery, as a resident to mentor and be mentored, an das an attending to lead people and organizations. My success is a credit to the success of the AWS"