- Female surgeons earn 8% less annually than male surgeons after controlling for specialty, age, faculty rank, and metrics of clinical and research productivity.
- Pay disparity begins on entry into the workforce. Although men and women graduate with the same amount of student debt, women are paid less and will typically pay off only 33% of their student loans after 5 years compared with 44% for men.
- Pay disparity widens over time. Women earn about 90% of what men are paid until age 35. After age 35, median earnings for women are typically 82% of what men are paid. This not only affects salaries, but it also penalizes a woman’s retirement.
View more statistics on women surgeons on our Why AWS is Important page.
Take advantage of AWS resources on gender equity prepared for you with the experience and wisdom of your fellow female surgeons.
Read the full report on sexual harassment among surgeons by the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (PDF)
Forbes article: "58% Of Women Surgeons Suffer Sexual Harassment: Why This May Hurt You Too"
General Surgery News article: "Studies Expose High Rates of Sexual Harassment in Surgery"
Read the AWS 2017 Policy Statement on Sexual Harassment
Read the AWS 2017 Statement on Gender Salary Equity
Negotiating Resources
Additional Resources
Initiate a Dialogue
Send a copy of the 2017 AWS Gender Salary Equity Statement
to your chair of surgery.
As I am sure you are aware a number of recent studies and articles in the press have highlighted the continued salary inequity that exists between male and female physicians.
The attached statement was prepared in collaboration with the Association of Women Surgeons and formed the basis for a white paper recently accepted by the Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
As a department chair and a leader in surgery you will understand the need to advocate for the fair treatment of all surgeons. Therefore the issue of salary equity and transparency is a concern to all in our department.
I would be more than happy to discuss this further at your convenience.
AWS is committed to supporting women surgeons at various stages in their career – from medical school through retirement. Join our community of support and please consider making a contribution to the Foundation to help AWS work on pay equity.