The Association of Women Surgeons relies on the generosity of the members serving as volunteers. It is only through this dedication of time and expertise that AWS can meet its mission, to inspire, encourage, and enable women surgeons to realize their professional and personal goals. AWS would like to thank the many volunteers who make our organization what it is today. It is greatly appreciated! Committee VolunteersLooking for ways to get involved with AWS and make a difference in the world of surgery? Apply to be an AWS committee volunteer! AWS volunteer committees play a vital role in supporting the organization to achieve its strategic goals. The Call for 2024-2025 AWS Committee Members is now open through October 26. AWS committees run for one year and typically meet 3-6 times via 30-60 minute conference calls. Committee members are expected to attend 75% of meetings. Committee participation is limited, and therefore all applicants will be asked to identify up to three committees you would like to join. Please note that Medical Student Committee applications are only open in the spring. We encourage medical students to join other AWS Committees now. Apply for an AWS CommitteeConference Planning CommitteeThis committee is responsible for theme development of the AWS Annual Conference, to be held in San Francisco, CA, as well as the conference program in terms of content, sessions, and speakers. A subcommittee is also responsible for the fundraising to support the conference. The conference will be held in Chicago, IL in 2025. Chair: Dr. Salewa Oseni Clinical Practice CommitteeThis committee focuses on assessing the needs of and developing resources to support and promote women in various types of surgical practice, including academic, private, rural, and military. While some challenges faced by women surgeons are nearly universal, we recognize that each type of practice has its own unique hurdles. This committee explores some of the challenges faced in each area and helps create lasting resources for members. Members of this committee come from all variations of practice, and hearing the perspectives and input is enlightening! Learn more about the CPC and see their list of tools and resources. Chair: Dr. Lisa Reid Communications CommitteeThe Communications Committee creates content for the social media communications of AWS on several platforms. We are divided into subcommittees: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blog, Dear Pat, and Podcast. We invite members of all training and practice levels to join if you are interested in participating on social media. We participate year-round in elevating the exposure of the organization and of the accomplishments of women surgeons on social media and offer opportunities for engagement among members via social media. Chairs: Drs. Katie Romanowski and Rachel LovanoVice-Chair: Dr. Erin King-Mullins Career Development Committee (formerly Grants & Fellowship)The mission of the Career Development Committee is to provide and sponsor members of the AWS community for various career development and training opportunities and to highlight and promote their professional advancement. The activities of the committee include 1) developing the content and curricula for and selecting participants/awardees for career development, grant funding, and training opportunities, 2) reviewing applications and selecting participants/awardees of these opportunities, and 3) identifying sources of funding for these program in collaboration with the AWS leadership. The Career Development Committee is recruiting volunteers interested in supporting the research and career development of AWS members. Responsibilities will include screening and evaluating applications for a variety of awards and professional development opportunities and developing the content and organizing career development activities. Members will be asked to complete bias training prior to reviewing applications. The Committee also welcomes those who have ideas for additional initiatives that AWS can support. Chair: Dr. Leah Tatebe #HeForShe CommitteeThe #HeforShe Committee will be integrated into the Outreach Committee in October 2024. The #HeForShe Committee focuses on identifying ways in which we can support and promote diversity, equity and inclusion in surgery. We are looking forward to collaborating with key stakeholders in actionable outcomes to mitigate marginalization of women and underrepresented minorities in surgery. Objectives:
Chair: Dr. Emilia Diego Medical Student CommitteeComprised of medical students, this committee works on student programs, including, but not limited to, resource development, mentorship opportunities, and research initiatives. Please note: committee members must be members of AWS and serve from May to May. Applications for this committee are sent out to the membership and posted on the AWS website. Chair: Gopika SenthilKumar Member Services CommitteeThis committee provides feedback and participates in activities designed to support membership recruitment, retention, and engagement. Areas of work include, but are not limited to: institutional membership engagement, regional membership development, mentor/ambassador program engagement, and general recruitment and retention outreach. This is an active and engaged committee that is eager to grow in numbers and ideas. We welcome committee members with diverse backgrounds of practice, training, geography, and more. Chair: Dr. Gayle DiLalla Outreach CommitteeAs AWS continues to grow and build its national and international reputation, we are looking to strengthen our collaborations and partnerships with other specialty societies and surgical organizations. This task force has been built in order to start coordinating these efforts so that we can have a larger impact and work collaboratively to support increasing gender and racial diversity in surgery. In October 2024, the Outreach Committee will incorporate the strategic goals of the #HeforShe Committee. The key aims of the AWS Outreach Taskforce will be:
Chair: Dr. Toni Beninato Publications CommitteeThe publications committee has a main goal of identifying and fostering research and publication opportunities relevant to the organization. The committee produces an AWS Annual Report, is responsible for updates to AWS publications such as the Pocket Mentor and Career Resource Guides and updates the AWS Wikipedia site annually. Additionally, members of the committee provide assistance to the American Journal of Surgery editors in producing the AJS/AWS annual issue by assisting with the submission review process. The committee assists with the Scientific Session at Annual Conference and helps foster the development of manuscript review skills for trainees and junior faculty. Committee meeting attendance (at least 60%), sign up to be an AJS reviewer and review AT LEAST one paper for the editors, active involvement in ongoing projects. Chair: Dr. Lisa Cannada Resident and Fellows CommitteeThe AWS Resident and Fellow Committee is focused on addressing surgical trainee programs and issues, with an emphasis on engaging residents and fellows in the AWS at an early stage in their careers. Committee members work closely with many of the other additional AWS committees, with a significant level of interaction with the Medical Student committee. Chair: Dr. Brianna Spencer
Editorial Committee (New in October 2024)The AWS Editorial Committee will be focused on the manuscripts for review and publication in the American Journal of Surgery (AJS) and secondary journal (American Surgeon). Additionally, the AWS Editorial Committee will facilitate all the components of the Reviewer Academy including recruitment, review, and presenations. Chair: Dr. Jennifer Plichta
For any questions regarding committee involvement, please contact [email protected]. |